New features/Improvements
- Added "Brands" as an entity for POSBE. This includes the field "brand" on article-level in the inbound article&price API, new table for inbound Master data API.
- Scanning barcodes without leading zeroes: For barcodes without leading zeroes, if we dont find a match, the POS will add leading zeroes to the input one by one. Example: An article is registered with EAN 0123456789. On the physical product the barcode reads 123456789. After the first attempt fails; 123456789 != 0123465789, we will add a "0" to the input and get a match; 012346789 = 0123456789. This process is repeated until we find a match or the length of scanned barcode + added zeroes equals 15.
- Changed the receipt text "IKKE EN KVITTERING FOR KØB" to "Kvittering for indbetaling på ordre" for danish stores
- Article Hierarchies for easy selection of products in POS. Read more here
- Now showing reason code for discount on receipt
- Z-report: Payments with card is now shown per payment provider per operator.
- Instead of having a limit on max. 1 receipt copy for all countries, it now only applies to swedish and norwegian stores due to legal requirements.
- Switched to qz_tray.js version 2.1.2
- Now possible to use certificate as auth. method to endpoint for POSLog.
- When minimum payement on customer order equals the payment amout, the field for changing payment amount is disabled for editing since this field could not be edited anyway. This is to avoid confusion.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to create to identical till assigment transactions with double clicking the confirm tile
- Fixed a bug where some times PDF failed to display (Z/X-report, Till count)
- Fixed a bug where QZ Tray sometimes would throw error "The current connection attempt has not returned yet" during startup.
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to enter amounts below 1 (DKK) with numpad
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to scan and add a item to a completed transaction when starting up the POS application
- Fixed a bug where the message to count other tills during a zreport at the POS would casue the POS to freeze.
- Removed a misleading message saying "Customer not found" when trying to add a customer order while the POS is locked (no till assigned etc.)
- Replaced SubItemType with POSDepartmentID for "Material Group" in SAF-T report.